Getting to know me, with Cuddlebuggery


Today I’m taking part in the “Getting to Know You” blog hop hosted by Cuddlebuggery (I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take advantage of that awesome blog name). I’m supposed to tell you guys a bit about myself, including my favourite book series EVAH. Gee, they aren’t asking for a lot there. 😉

Of course, if I had to pick just one it’d be the sentimental favourite that would win: the Dragonriders series by Anne McCaffrey. This won’t be a surprise to anyone that follows my blog, as I mention these books regularly when I do the Top Ten Tuesday blog hop. They were the first adult fantasy series I read (after The Hobbit but before Lord of the Rings) and opened my eyes to the fact that you don’t have to read serious, boring books as you grow older.

Given I read speculative fiction almost exclusively now, it’s a lesson I clearly took to heart.

Another way I’m steadfastly refusing to grow up is by gaming. There’s been a bit of computer-style gaming over the years — I had a WoW addiction there for a while, and more recently a Minecraft one. But mostly I’m talking about roleplaying, both live action (when I was younger, before becoming a mother reduced my opportunities for evening outings) and tabletop (still).

Live action roleplaying (or LARP) is what people who don’t roleplay think of when they think of roleplaying: people dressing up and pretending to be something they’re not. But with LARP you don’t sit around a table like the stereotype would insist; instead, you actually all meet at a venue and immerse yourselves in your characters. Think improvisational theatre.

The games I played were all part of the World of Darkness milleu: vampires and werewolves, mostly, with the occasional changeling and mage game. You’re all there with an agenda that will probably cause strife with another character, while in the meantime world events (as decreed by the Storyteller) try and screw you over. The idea is to create the most interesting story — although there are always people who are in it to “win”, which is the other reason I don’t play anymore.

Coincidentally, it is because of my time LARPing that I have a photo of myself dressed rather the same as the girl in the meme picture. SNAP!

Cass corset

The tabletop game I play is your traditional Dungeons & Dragons game; again, it’s sort of what you’d expect, only we don’t dress up. (YOU try sitting at a dining table for hours in a corset!) Instead of a storyteller there’s a “Game Master” who describes the setting, while the players are responsible for their own characters. It’s a great way to be a hero in your own story, with friends.

The leap from roleplaying to writing novels isn’t that big, to be honest — especially if you take a stint as GM, but even if you don’t. It provides writers with a great appreciation of the idea that the characters should drive the story. It doesn’t always have to be the players’ characters; the ones made up by the GM or Storyteller have their own motivations too. The waves of zombies may look aimless, but who is behind rising them? What does he or she want? How do we stop them and take all their stuff?! Game design tends to favour finding the villain/s and undoing their plots, which encourages stories where the villains have their own motives.

Obviously every game isn’t created equal, but I’m lucky that my current group are all experienced gamers and we have a similar approach.

So. That’s a think about me. I’m an unrepentant geek! SURPRISE!

Now, I promised a giveaway. Leave a comment telling me a little something about yourself (no matter how silly) and I will enter you in a draw to win a copy of the Isla’s Inheritance ebook. I’ll do the draw on 30 November, my time.

Edit: So, since I had exactly ten entries, I decided a d10 (that’s a ten-sided dice for you non-geeks!) was the best way to pick a winner. But my dice bag is downstairs and my phone is here, so I used a dice-rolling app instead…



Number three! Congratulations, Zed! I’ll be in touch. 🙂

13 Comments on “Getting to know me, with Cuddlebuggery”

  1. Kat Kennedy says:

    What a great post! I’m a WOW player (still) and I have always been interested in LARP. How cool that you have a picture of you in that dress! I’m so jelly right now. I hadn’t heard of Dragonriders so I’m going to go take a look now! Thanks for the rec!

  2. I used to play on Harry Potter RPG forums online. I think I was even a Care of Magical Creatures teacher once, it was really fun!

  3. Zed says:

    Dragonriders sounds interesting. I don’t play any fantasy games but they sound fun.

  4. Pern is my sister’s favorite book series, so of course I’ve read them but I prefer Discworld myself. 🙂 Thanks.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    LARPing has always sounded like so much fun to me! I played D&D for a while (but the time it requires makes it hard for any of my friends to keep a consistent game going) which I really enjoyed. I love tabletop games in general, but they’re so frelling expensive! And I always LOVE when I run into a McCaffrey fan. I feel like perhaps because her writing is older? I don’t hear about her a lot in the blogverse which is a shame, because I absolutely love her Dragon Rider series. (And Master Harper/ Dragon Singer ones too. I’ve just started the Crystal ship ones and have been really good so far)

  6. Shannon says:

    I’ve never had personal experience with LARPing, but love improvisational theater (or did when I was younger). I liked THE SUMMER I BECAME A NERD by Leah Rae Miller partly because it gave me an insiders peek into LARPing (and it had a sweet boy that worked in a comic book store, so, you know, double bonus: comics and cuties).

  7. becca says:

    I love Anne McCaffery! I’m also a whovian…and never did get the hang of role playing games..c

  8. Jemima Pett says:

    I might have got into LARP if it had been around when I was younger… but I read LOTR then got into Anne McCaffrey then The Hobbit (which was a huge disappointment). I like the earlier type of fantasy, perhaps I like spec fiction more, but I tend to lose track of genres and just enjoy all sorts of things.

    Like your blog – I’ll be back!


  9. Josy Herrera says:

    hmm, not really silly but, I love to swim. Thanks for the chance.

  10. Alisha Sienkiel says:

    I raise and show lionhead rabbits. Thanks! 🙂

  11. […] Getting to know me, with Cuddlebuggery […]

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